Welcome, new inquiring families!
Please enjoy browsing our website, and fill out our Interest Form if you would like additional information.
We still have openings in our 4th and 5th grade classes for the 2024-25 school year! We have reached capacity in our other grade levels, but please contact us if you would like information about being added to our waiting list.
Heritage Policies
Dress Code Policy
Students are expected to wear modest and tasteful attire, appropriate for a learning environment. They must avoid extremes in style. They may not wear T-shirts that promote ungodly behavior.
Boys should avoid low-hanging pants and any exposure of under-shorts. Girls must have no exposed midriffs, spaghetti-strap style tank-tops, or halter tops.
If a tutor believes an article of clothing violates these rules, he or she has the right to request that a student refrain from wearing it in the future.
Drop Off/Pick Up Policy *
Students are to be dropped off and picked up at the breezeway entrance to the church. Students may arrive 15 minutes prior to class time; please do not allow students to enter the building unless a tutor is present.
Other entrances MAY NOT be used by our students. When picking up students at the end of the day, we ask that parents stay in their cars and form a line in the driveway. Please be prompt in picking up your children at 2:15 pm. (or 3:15 for those enrolled in an afternoon elective.)
Please note: HIS tutors are not available for supervising students after school. As per the facility rules, all students must be supervised by a parent or other designated adult after 2:30 (or after 3:30 should they be enrolled in an afternoon elective).
Should you arrive to pick up your student AFTER 2:30 (or 3:30 for afternoon electives), please park your car and come inside meet them in the HIS school office. Students may not stay and play in the building, on the playground or on the fields unsupervised.
Lockers *
All backpacks, bookbags, and lunchboxes must fit inside student lockers.
We have been informed by the Fire Department that backpacks in the hallways & classrooms are a fire hazard. We already know they impede the daily flow of traffic at HIS but in an emergency, blocked aisles & hallways could be disastrous.
The tutors will allow students to leave most of their heavy books at home - with the exception of math books. This means less to carry back & forth from school to home. Bookbags should be able to bend or fold and fit inside the lockers.
Please do not bring valuables to HIS - we do not permit locks on our lockers.
Inclement Weather Policy
If Baltimore County schools are CLOSED, Heritage will be CLOSED. If Baltimore County schools are 2 HOURS LATE, Heritage will be 1 HOUR LATE. We will follow the Delayed Opening Schedule listed below.
Any other schedule modifications made by Baltimore County such as 1 hour late start or early dismissal will be addressed by HIS on a case-by-case basis.
Disclaimer: We know that our families come from a variety of places and are aware how different the conditions can be in each area. Please assess the driving conditions in your area and make the best decision for your family. Safety for our families is our highest concern!
On snow days, HIS tutors will post that day's assignments by 10:00 AM on iGrade Plus.
Late Start Class Schedule *
In the event that HIS opens LATE, we will follow the class schedule below.
The adjusted schedule will be posted in classrooms & hallways. In addition, it would be helpful if you could go over the schedule with your student the evening prior to a Late Start class day.